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What Does It Mean To Recalibrate A Vehicle?

Vehicle recalibration is a term that is being thrown around in the collision industry, yet many people may not know what it means. Recalibration is different from programming, which is more like giving a sensor the ability to think or learn. Recalibrating, on the other hand, means that you are telling the sensor where it is in relation to the vehicle and where to look. So recalibrating a car means determining the attributes of a car for fulfilling legislative standards as well as refining the car to make sure it is safe to drive on the road.

There are two types of recalibration:

  • Static: this is an in-shop service while the vehicle is not moving
  • Dynamic: this takes place on the road while driving the vehicle

Recalibration is just a fancy term that means it is telling the vehicle’s internal computers to readjust all the cameras, sensors and technology to work properly from the new specifications of the car.

Recalibrating a car is done for two reasons:

  1. To ensure the safety of the car on the road
  2. To reduce the costs of manufacturing errors

Recalibrating a car is necessary whether a module was replaced or not, and whether there was deployment or not. It is usually done with a compatible scan tool. For a recalibration to be complete, all codes and faults must be cleared and confirmed repaired. In case a module was replaced, then module programming may have to be done first.

Need A Phoenix ADAS Recalibration? Call Auto Glass Medix